Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Any student receiving an incomplete (I) will have until the due date established by the faculty or the end of the first half of the next semester, whichever comes first, to complete the requirements of the course or the grade will automatically become an F.
Incomplete grades are approved under two conditions:
If the instructor agrees to grant an incomplete, the following conditions must be met:
The plan of completion should identify the unfinished work and set up a completion timeline prior to the faculty entering the grade. Any incompletes remaining on the student’s record based on the above timeline will be changed to an F.
The grade of I calculates in the same manner for Satisfactory Academic Progress as an F. Academic progress will be negatively affected by an I grade.
Note: If the student receives an F, the last date of attendance will be the end of the preceding term.
Approved by: Leadership Council
Effective Date: 5/5/2021
Next Review Date: May 2024
Archive: 3.17.6 Incompletes