4:30 - 5:30 PM
Learn about Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) and how you can earn college credit while still in high school! Held in-person at ATCC, auditorium 743. Register »
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Learn about Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) and how you can earn college credit while still in high school! Held in-person at ATCC, room 205. This info session is held during Explore & Discover Open House, a great time to see campus and explore program areas. Register »
Students can get a jump start on earning college credits by taking college courses while they are still in high school through Minnesota's Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program. This program allows 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to take
college courses with no tuition or book costs, saving both time and money on completing a college degree. PSEO courses also fulfill high school course requirements and count toward a high school diploma. For full-time PSEO students who begin in their
junior year, it is possible to graduate from high school with enough credits for an associates degree. Courses can be taken either on the college campus or online.
Email all documents to pseo@alextech.edu
or mail to:
Alexandria Technical & Community College
ATTN: PSEO Department
1601 Jefferson Street
Alexandria, MN 56308
PLEASE NOTE: Students are able to take classes from more than one post-secondary institution. In order for students to be funded through PSEO at ATCC, they need to apply and complete all steps to be accepted as a PSEO student to the college. If a student registers for a course without completing the appropriate steps to be accepted to ATCC through the PSEO process, they will be responsible for all balances due including tuition and book charges.
10th grade students are limited to enrolling in one Career and Technical Education (CTE) course during the first semester of their 10th grade academic year. Eligibility is as follows:
Students who enroll in an eligible CTE course the first semester of their 10th grade year and receive
a grade of "C" or better may enroll in additional courses second semester.
Cumulative High School GPA 3.0 is the primary determining factor.
If GPA does not meet minimum requirement, students may provide documentation of:
Students must meet all course pre-requisites for the course(s) they plan to enroll in.
Cumulative High School GPA 2.8 is the primary determining factor.
If GPA does not meet minimum requirement, students may provide documentation of:
Students must meet all course pre-requisites for the course(s) they plan to enroll in.
Prior to the start of each semester (early August and mid-December) request your books by using the PSEO Book Request Form.
If you make a change to your schedule (drop or add a class) after you have placed your book request, email the PSEO Department at pseo@alextech.edu as soon as possible so the book order can be adjusted. It may take 3-5 business days for a book order to be processed, so please plan accordingly.
Books provided to you through the PSEO program are the property of ATCC. If you drop a course, return the books/materials to the PSEO Department. At the end of the semester, all books are to be returned to the PSEO Department. You are responsible for the replacement cost of any books that are damaged or not returned within the timeline provided.
All communications regarding the PSEO book request and book return process will be through your ATCC email account.