Grade Appeal Criteria
Students may appeal a final grade when they believe the grade is unfair, arbitrary, or capricious. The student bears the burden of proving there are sufficient grounds for changing a grade. The appeal process will provide due process for students and faculty. A student may appeal a final course grade on the grounds:
- the methods or criteria for evaluating academic performance as stated in the course syllabus were not adhered to in determining grades; or
- the instructor applied grading criteria unfairly; or
- the instructor erred in calculating the grade or recording the grade.
Grade Appeal
Attempt Resolution - Informal Appeal
- Students must first attempt to resolve any issues with their grade through informal discussions with the instructor of the class. If the instructor and student decide a change of grade is in order, the situation is closed. The instructor will follow the Change of Grade Form procedure.
- In the event the student and the instructor cannot resolve the grade issue, the student should then discuss the situation with the division’s Dean of Educational Services. Timeline - within 5 business days after faculty denial.
- If the Dean of Educational Services decides in the student's favor, the Dean of Educational Services will consult with the faculty, and the Dean of Educational Services will initiate the Change of Grade process. Timeline - within 5 business days.
- In the event the discussion between the student and the Dean of Educational Services does not resolve the grade issue, the student must then submit a Formal Grade Appeal to the Academic Affairs Office. Timeline - within 5 business days after decision by Dean of Educational Services.
Formal Grade Appeal
After the student has attempted an informal grade appeal and has been denied, they may initiate a formal grade appeal. The student must follow the process below and submit all materials to the Dean of Educational Services:
- The student must fill out the Formal Grade Appeal Form. The formal grade appeal has to fall under one of the following criteria:
- The methods or criteria for evaluating academic performance as stated in the course syllabus were not adhered to in determining grades; or
- the instructor applied grading criteria unfairly; or
- the instructor erred in calculating or recording the grade.
In addition to the Grade Appeal Form, the student must submit all information pertinent to the appeal such as: specific action that the student is requesting; emails between student and staff/faculty; assignments; course syllabus; graded assignments; any evidence of faculty bias; and any other relevant material. Timeline - within 5 business days.
Faculty will have an opportunity to review materials and provide relevant materials and input to the Dean of Educational Services.
The Dean of Educational Services will review all materials provided by the student and the faculty. The Dean of Educational Services may elect to interview the faculty and the student to gather additional information. Then, the Dean of Educational Services will decide.
If the appeal is granted, the Dean of Educational Services will notify the faculty and will initiate the Change of Grade process, and the formal Grade Appeal Procedure is complete.
If the Dean denies the appeal, the Division Dean notifies the student and the student may request the Grade Appeal Committee review the case. Timeline - Decision by Dean within 5 business days of receiving the formal grade appeal.
At this stage of the Formal Grade Appeal process, additional materials will not be accepted.
Grade Appeal Committee: The Grade Appeal Committee will be convened under the following circumstance:
- If the student disagrees with the Dean of Educational Services' decision, the student may appeal the decision to the Grade Appeal Committee. Timeline - no later than 5 days after receiving notification of the formal grade appeal decision from the Dean of Educational Services.
- The Grade Appeal Committee, made up of three faculty outside of the discipline of appeal, will convene to review grade appeal. Timeline - within 5 business days.
- All information presented by faculty, student, and the Dean of Educational Services will be submitted to the Grade Appeal Committee. No additional information may be submitted to the Grade Appeal Committee.
- The Grade Appeal Committee will review the student's formal grade appeal and all information provided by the student, faculty and Dean of Educational Services. The committee will select a chair, follow due process, and reach a decision by a majority vote. Timeline - Grade Appeal Committee will provide their recommendation to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA) within 5 days.
- The Grade Appeal Committee will reach one of two decisions:
- Appeal granted: The committee recommends a change of grade to the VPASA.
- Appeal denied: The committee recommends the original grade stands to the VPASA.
- The VPASA will review the Grade Appeal Committee's recommendation, may elect to discuss the appeal with the student and the faculty, and provide written notification to the Dean of Educational Services, faculty, and student of the decision. VPASA decisions are final. If a change of grade is decided, the VPASA will submit the Change of Grade Form. Timeline - the VPASA will provide written notification within 5 days of receiving the Grade Appeal Committee's recommendation.
Under unusual circumstances, the grade appeal timeline may be extended by the VPASA.
Note: Nothing in this procedure is meant to imply, presume, or require faculty to accept or agree with the Dean of Educational Services' or VPASA's decision.