Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Minnesota State Board Policy
Minnesota State System ProcedureMinnesota Statute 135A.052 Postsecondary Missions
ATCC follows and adheres to the Minnesota State Board Policy 3.36 Academic Programs. Upon successful completion of program requirements, a student is eligible to receive an Associate in Science degree, Associate in Applied Science degree, Associate in Arts degree, a diploma, or a certificate as listed for each major. Total credit requirements vary by program and have been determined based upon curriculum requirements, advisory committee recommendations, and the Minnesota State system office.
Academic Award:
A certificate, diploma, or degree.
Academic Program:
A cohesive arrangement of college-level curricular requirements leading to an academic award.
Academic Program Characteristics:
Attributes that operationally describe an approved academic program including:
Academic Program Closure:
An academic program change in status which permanently closes the academic program to new enrollment.
Academic Program Redesign:
A change to an existing academic program characteristic.
Academic Program Reinstatement:
An academic program status change from suspended to active.
Academic Program Relocation:
Academic program relocation occurs when an active program is closed at its present location and approved for delivery at a different location.
Academic Program Replication:
Academic program replication occurs when an active program is offered at an additional location.
Academic Program Suspension:
Academic program suspension is a change of status which temporarily closes the academic program to new enrollment.
A unit of measure assigned to a college course or an equivalent learning experience that takes into consideration achieved student learning outcomes and instructional time.
New Academic Program:
An academic program identified by curricular content and an academic award significantly different from other academic programs at a college.
General Education is the knowledge, skills, concepts, and attitudes that serve as the foundation to success within all programs of study. General Education courses help students gain competence in the exercise of independent inquiry and also stimulate their examination and understanding of personal, social, and civic values.
General Education includes, but is not limited to, the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
An undergraduate certificate is awarded upon completion of a 9 to 30 credit academic program. An undergraduate certificate may have an occupational outcome or address a focused area of study. An undergraduate certificate shall not have emphases.
At least one-third of the credits in the undergraduate certificate must be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation by the faculty and approval by the president of the college or university.
A diploma is awarded upon completion of a 31 to 72 credit undergraduate academic program that prepares students for employment. A minimum of 24 credits shall be in occupational or technical courses. A diploma may have one or more emphases of at least 9 credits when there are at least 30 credits in the major that are common to the emphases.
A diploma with 61-72 credits must have a minimum of 7 general education credits. A diploma with 45-60 credits must have a minimum of 6 general education credits. A diploma with 31-44 credits must have a minimum of 4 general education credits.
At least one-third of the credits in the diploma must be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation by the faculty and approval by the president of the college.
Diploma programs developed within a Minnesota State consortium may follow the curriculum set by the development committee for system-wide consistency.
An Associate of Arts (AA) Degree is awarded upon completion of a 60-credit academic program in the liberal arts and sciences. It is designed for transfer to baccalaureate degree-granting college or university. An AA Degree requires completion of at least a 40-credit curriculum that fulfills the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goal areas.
An AA Degree that is a transfer pathway is awarded upon completion of a 60-credit academic program in the liberal arts and sciences and is titled “[Discipline] Transfer Pathway.” Transfer Pathway programs are designed to ensure completion of designated baccalaureate degree programs at Minnesota State universities within 120 credits.
At least 15 credits in the associate of arts degree or associate of arts transfer pathway degree must be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the president or designee of the college or university.
An Associate of Science (AS) Degree is awarded upon completion of a 60-credit academic program in scientific, technological, or other professional fields. The AS Degree requires a minimum of 30 credits selected from at least 6 of the 10 goal areas of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
A waiver may be granted to exceed a length of 60 credits when (1) the waiver criteria in Minnesota State Board Procedure 3.36.1, Part 3, Subpart C, are met and (2) an articulation agreement specifies the transfer of a greater number of credits.
At least 15 credits in an associate of science degree or associate of science transfer pathway degree must be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the president of the college or university.
An Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree is awarded upon completion of a 60-credit academic program in a named field of study in scientific, technological, or other professional fields. An AAS Degree prepares students for employment in an occupation or range of occupations. An AAS Degree may also be accepted in transfer to a related baccalaureate program.
Students enrolled in the AAS Degree program at ATCC must complete a minimum of 15 credits of their program in MnTC from at least 3 of the 10 goal areas. Additional expectations require students to take a writing intensive course, as well as a computer literacy and workplace skills course.
A waiver may be granted to exceed a length of 60 credits when (1) the waiver criteria in Minnesota State Board Procedure 3.36.1, Part 3, Subpart C, are met and (2) an articulation agreement, where applicable, specifies the transfer of a greater number of credits.
At least 15 credits in an associate of applied science must be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the president of the college or university.
Approval by the Chancellor of Minnesota State is required for new academic programs, changes to existing academic programs, suspension of academic programs, and closure of academic programs at ATCC. ATCC shall only offer other academic programs that are approved by the Minnesota State chancellor and recorded in the academic program inventory.
ATCC shall regularly review its academic programs for the purpose of academic planning and improvement. Each academic program at ATCC must be reviewed by an advisory committee.
Approved by: Leadership Council
Effective Date: 5/8/2023
Next Review Date: May 2026
Archive: 3.11 Academic Program Review
3.16.1 General Education Requirements for AAS Degree Program
3.16.2 General Education Requirements for AS Degree Program