Director of Facilities and Security
Minnesota State Board Policy
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 USC 1232g
Minnesota Statute § 13.37 Subd. 1
Minnesota Statute §§13.43, Subd. 4
Minnesota Statute §§13.32, Subd. 3
Alexandria Technical and Community College (ATCC) uses security cameras as one resource to enhance safety and security of persons and property. All security camera installations must be approved in advance by designated ATCC personnel, as described in this policy, except in the case of an emergency that makes such consultation impractical. Placement and use of security cameras must conform to applicable state and federal laws in addition to Minnesota State system and ATCC campus policies. Security cameras must not have audio monitoring or audio recording capabilities enabled. Video monitoring of public areas for security purposes must be limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectations of privacy, as defined by law.
This policy applies to all personnel and departments of ATCC in the use of its equipment for video surveillance, monitoring, and recording on ATCC-owned, leased or controlled properties; this policy does not apply to the use of video applications for academic, research, or educational purposes of ATCC.
The primary purpose of security cameras is to assist in the daily operations of campus security and safety in providing a safe and secure environment to the ATCC community including students, employees, and visitors. Information obtained through video monitoring will be primarily used for security and law enforcement purposes.
The installation and monitoring of security cameras and equipment must be administered by the Minnesota State Administrator designated by the president in a manner consistent with this policy. The designee may authorize the use of video surveillance in a temporary location upon request of a college official if a specific safety or security risk exists; if the request concerns the investigation of individuals, the designee shall consult with the Office of General Counsel and/or Human Resources Office of Labor Relations in the system office prior to approval. The designee shall consult with system legal counsel if requested by law enforcement to install video surveillance for a criminal investigation.
In public areas, signage giving notice of the use of security cameras shall be posted as deemed appropriate by the designee.
If concern over camera placement should arise, concerned persons may submit an email petition to the designee for the removal or relocation of an existing camera. See ATCC Procedure 6.14.1 for more information.
The following principles shall apply regarding the use of security cameras at ATCC under this policy:
The designee is responsible for controlling access to the security cameras monitors and recordings consistent with applicable privacy laws. Security camera data maintained by ATCC may be nonpublic or private data on individuals under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). (Video surveillance data may be nonpublic or private “security information” as defined by Minn. Stat. § 13.37 Subd. 1 (a) or private personnel or educational data pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§13.43, Subd. 4 and 13.32, Subd. 3, and FERPA, 20 USC 1232g, which may be accessed, used, and disclosed to third parties only as consistent with those laws.)
Nothing in this policy shall prevent reporting to law enforcement real-time observations of conduct that appears to constitute criminal activity.
Any individual who has concerns about the possible violation of this policy may discuss the matter with the designee. Any individual found to have violated this policy may be referred for discipline under the applicable personnel or student conduct process.
Approved by: Leadership Council
Effective Date: 7/29/2021
Next Review Date: July 2024