Diesel Mechanics Curriculum

The curriculum below is the most current information available. To browse curriculum from the current academic year and past years, please view our Academic Catalogs. If you are a current student with questions about your course requirements, please speak with your advisor or refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS) in eServices.

Click here for course descriptions.

1FallCOMM1415Public Speaking or MnTC Elective33
1FallCOMM1435Interpersonal Comm or MnTC Elective33
1FallDIES1630Diesel Industry Fundamentals23
1FallDIES1632DC Electricity34
1FallDIES1635Hydraulic Fundamentals35
1FallDIES1636Power Trains I34
   Semester Total1722
2SprBIOL1430People and the Environment or MnTC33
2SprDIES1633Diesel Electronic Systems35
2SprDIES1640Diesel Engines I69
2SprDIES1641Diesel Fuel Systems34
2SprECON1404Consumer Econ or MnTC Elective33
   Semester Total1824
3SmrDIES1455Applied Technical Mathematics22
3SmrDIES1650Applied Failure Analysis23
3SmrDIES1651 Diesel Servicing/PM23
   Semester Total68
4FallDIES1642 HVAC Systems34
4FallDIES1643 Diesel Service Welding12
4FallDIES2630Diesel Engines II69
4FallDIES2633Braking Systems45
4FallDIES2632Electronic Engines/Controls34
   Semester Total1724
5SprDIES2640Power Trains II69
5SprDIES2641Advanced Hydraulics46
5SprDIES2704Internship or DIES2642412
5SprENGL1460Technical Writing33
   Semester Total1730
   Program Total75108
1FallDIES1630Diesel Industry Fundamentals23
1FallDIES1635Hydraulic Fundamentals35
1FallDIES1632DC Electricity34
1FallDIES1636Power Trains I34
1FallCOMM2COMM1435 or 1415 or MnTC Elective33
   Semester Total1419
2SprBIOLECONBIOL1430, ECON1404 or MnTC Elective33
2SprDIES1640Diesel Engines I69
2SprDIES1641Diesel Fuel Systems34
2SprDIES1633Diesel Electronic Systems35
   Semester Total1521
3SmrDIES1455Applied Technical Mathematics22
3SmrDIES1650Applied Failure Analysis23
3SmrDIES1651Diesel Servicing/PM23
   Semester Total68
4FallDIES1642HVAC Systems34
4FallDIES1643Diesel Service Welding12
4FallDIES2630Diesel Engines II69
4FallDIES2633Braking Systems45
4FallDIES2632Electronic Engines/Controls34
4FallGEN ED 1General Ed Elective11
   Semester Total1825
5SprDIES2640Power Trains II69
5SprDIES2641Advanced Hydraulics46
5SprDIES2703Internship 39
   Semester Total1324
   Program Total6697

Note: AAS degrees must have Gen. Ed. courses from three goal areas and AS degrees from six goal areas of the MN Transfer Curriculum.

Visit with advisor or refer to Degree Audit Report for elective options.

This course sequence is an example.