Chief Financial Officer
Minnesota State Board Policy
Minnesota State System Procedure
Minnesota Statute Chapter 136F.06 Powers and Duties
Minnesota Statute Chapter 136F.70, Tuition; Fees; Activities Fund
Minnesota Statute Chapter 192.502, Protections
Minnesota Statute Chapter 197.447, Veteran, Defined
Any student who chooses to withdraw from a class or to withdraw totally from all classes may do so online through eServices on the ATCC website. Any student who ceases to attend and does not officially withdraw will be considered an unofficial withdrawal. (See 3.11 Student Attendance) Unofficial withdrawals will receive no refund of tuition or fees. Unofficial withdrawals who received Federal financial aid may be subject to financial aid recalculation and the return of unearned aid. Return of Federal Funds policies as described above will apply.
Any student identified as no longer attending courses and did not officially withdraw prior to the last day to withdraw, will be considered as an administrative withdrawal. The student's last date of an educationally-related activity will be used to determine if unearned financial aid will need to be repaid. If the last date a student completed an educationally-related activity is unknown, the student will be considered administratively withdrawn at the 50% timeframe of that semester. Financial aid will be recalculated based on the 50% date and the student will be liable for any financial aid that needs to be repaid.
Any student who has received financial aid either as a credit to the account or as a cash payment to the student or both may end up owing the college for unpaid charges and/or the U.S. Department of Education for overpayment. The college will attempt to collect in either or both instances. If the attempt to collect is unsuccessful after a reasonable time, the balance owed the college will be turned over to the Minnesota Recapture program, the balance owed the U.S. Department of Education will be reported to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and eligibility for financial aid will cease forever until the overpayment is repaid. Either instance will also have a negative effect on the student's credit rating.
Percentage Point in Time: Total withdrawal from the college before the 60th percentage point-in-time can impact a student's ability to re-enroll and can have very serious financial consequences. Any student considering total withdrawal should contact the appropriate college personnel before deciding to totally withdraw.
Approved by: Leadership Council
Effective Date: 3/30/2021
Next Review Date: March 2024