Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Alexandria Technical and Community College protects individual academic work and ensures academic integrity across the college. All students, faculty, and staff are responsible for work submitted under their name.
If, by a preponderance of the evidence, an academic act of dishonesty has occurred, discipline by faculty may include a written warning explicitly detailing the offense, a failing grade for that assignment/quiz/test etc., or a failing grade for the course. Academic Affairs may further sanction the student by removal from the course and expulsion from the college. Cheating, or any action that gives the appearance of impropriety, is a serious offense that undermines the legitimate learning process.
The primary mission for the existence of our college is to provide access to learning – for careers and for life. By its nature, learning is an honorable process that highly values integrity and perseverance. To violate this value, to learn without integrity, without honesty, without serious effort and perseverance, is to dishonor the very reason Alexandria Technical and Community College exists.
Cheating is the unauthorized use or exchange of information (or the appearance of) by students for the purpose of meeting academic standards or requirements; examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Approved by: Leadership Council
Effective Date: 5/5/2021
Next Review Date: May 2024
Archive: 3.33 Academic Honesty/Dishonesty