Our campus uses System Center Endpoint Protection (Windows 7) or Windows Defender (Windows 10):
The IT Department has noticed an increase in the amount of employees opening malicious email messages from within their junkmail folder. In an effort to protect your credentials and computers from the risk of compromise, we ask that you DO NOT OPEN OR MOVE ANY MESSAGES FOUND IN YOUR JUNKMAIL FOLDER. Instead, please forward the IT Department (it@alextech.edu) any message located in your junkmail folder that you feel you need to read. We will check the message and let you know if it is safe to open.
Messages are placed in the junkmail folder because the email system scores them as junkmail or you have marked them as junk. IT understands the importance of messages that may have been scored wrong however, it is rare that any legitimate email messages are placed in that folder. If you regularly receive legitimate email in your junkmail folder, we can help configure it so these messages go to your inbox instead.
You may have noticed that links within email messages are now being modified and replaced with a “strange looking” link. This change is because of the new Safelinks security that the System Office implemented last week. This change could make it more challenging to identify a link and determine if it is legitimate, but if the new system works correctly it should block access to links for malicious sites. If a Safelink has been deemed unsafe and you click on it, the webpage will appear like the image below. Please let us know if you find that a legitimate site is being blocked.