Related Job Placement

The related job placement rate is the percent of ATCC graduates who were available for related employment in the year after graduation, and who reported they were employed in a job that was related to their program. Data reflects only students who completed the survey.

All data below are percentages.

Graduate Placement History, Fiscal Years 2019-2023
 ATCC Overall 9895.598.298.299.2

Related Job Placement by Award

Graduate Placement History 2019-2023
Award Type20192020202120222023
Associate of Arts (AA)100N/A90.9100100
Associate of Applied Science (AAS)98.293.698.298.198.9
Associate of Science (AS)9596.795100100
Certificate (CERT)97.710097.8100100
Diploma (DIP)99.297.710097.299.1

Related Job Placement by Program

Graduate Placement History 2019-2023
Accounting - AAS100100100100100
Accounting Transfer Pathway - ASN/AN/A100100N/A
Administrative Assistant - DiplomaN/A100N/AN/AN/A
Behavioral Health & Human Services - AAS0N/A10066.7100
Behavioral Health & Human Services - DiplomaN/AN/AN/AN/A100
Biology Transfer Pathway - ASN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Business Management - AAS83.3100100100100
Business Management - CertificateN/A100N/A100100
Business Management - Diploma100N/AN/AN/A100
Business Transfer Pathway - AS100100100100N/A
Carpentry - Diploma100100100100100
Communication Design - AAS10091.787.5100100
Computer Information Systems - AS100N/A100100100
Cybersecurity - CertificateN/AN/A100100N/A
Cybersecurity, Virtualization, & Networking - AAS10080100100100
Diesel Mechanics - AAS100100100100100
Diesel Mechanics - Diploma100100100100100
Early Childhood Education - AAS100100100100100
Early Childhood Education - CertificateN/A100N/AN/A100
Early Childhood Education - Diploma100N/A100N/AN/A
Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway - ASN/A100100N/A100
Economics Transfer Pathway - AAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
English Transfer Pathway - AAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Exercise Science - AAS10010083.310060
Exercise Science - DiplomaN/AN/AN/A100100
Fashion Management - AAS100100100100100
Healthcare Administrative Specialist - AAS10080100100100
History Transfer Pathway - AAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Individualized Studies - AASN/AN/AN/AN/A100
Individualized Studies - AS100N/A0N/AN/A
Interior Design - AAS100100100100100
Legal Administrative Assistant - Diploma100100N/AN/AN/A
Liberal Arts and Sciences - AA100N/A90.9100100
Machine Tool Technology - Diploma100100100100100
Marine, Motorcycle, & Powersports Technician - Diploma100N/A100100100
Marketing & Sales Management - AAS100100100100100
Mechanical Drafting, Design, Engineering Technology - AAS100100100100100
Mechanical Drafting, Design, Engineering Technology - DiplomaN/AN/AN/AN/A100
Mechatronics - AAS100100100100100
Mechatronics - DiplomaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Medical Coding Specialist - Diploma10083.3100100100
Medical Laboratory Technician - AAS100100100100100
Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals - CertificateN/AN/AN/AN/A100
Nursing - AS100100100100100
Nursing Assistant - CertificateN/AN/AN/A100N/A
Office Management - AAS100100100N/AN/A
Paralegal - AAS100100100100100
Peace Officer/Public Safety Transfer Pathway - AS7583.3N/A100100
Phlebotomy Technician - Certificate100N/A100100100
Police Training & Education - AAS92.780.697.194.6100
Police Training & Education: Career Transition - Diploma87.583.310060100
Practical Nursing - Diploma10010010095.896
Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway - ASN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Professional Truck Driver - Certificate100100100100100
Psychology Transfer Pathway - AAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Retail Management - Certificate96.7100100100100
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant - AAS100100100100100
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant - Certificate10010085.7100100
Welding Technology - Diploma100100100100100

Please note:

2023 data is the most recent publishable data as our graduates have one year to obtain employment prior to our surveying them to gather their employment information.

N/A = Program track did not exist that year, the program existed but there were no graduates, or there were graduates but none available for employment (they opted to continue their education, were unable to relocate for employment, etc.), or no students responded to the survey request.

Please visit our Accountability page for more information about reporting and transparency.